The Rise of On-Duty Workout Programs in Law Enforcement

On-duty workout programs are transforming officer wellness by making fitness and stress relief accessible during the workday. But not all programs are the same—departments are adopting different approaches to make fitness feasible for officers, each with unique advantages. Here’s a closer look at the strategies departments are using and why these programs could be the wellness resource you’re missing out on.

Core Strategies for On-Duty Workout Programs

  1. Group Workouts: Many departments are scheduling group workout sessions during shifts, allowing officers to exercise together for better camaraderie and accountability.

    • Example: Bend PD (Oregon) organizes twice-weekly group workouts during shifts. Officers report a 40% reduction in injuries and improved mental resilience.

  2. Structured Fitness Classes: Departments may offer structured classes on health, fitness, or stress management that fit into the work schedule. Classes can range from yoga to strength training and mental wellness sessions.

    • Example: Bakersfield PD (California) provides classes in stress management, yoga, and general fitness as part of their on-duty wellness initiative, creating a holistic approach to officer health.

  3. Self-Guided Workout Periods: Some agencies allow officers to work out independently during designated times, giving them flexibility to choose exercises that meet their fitness needs.

    • Example: Baltimore PD’s Health & Wellness Unit offers officers access to workout facilities and resources, giving them the option to train in ways that best support their fitness goals.

  4. Integration with Tactical Training: Departments are increasingly blending fitness exercises with tactical skills, enhancing both physical preparedness and job-specific performance.

    • Example: Kansas City Regional Training Academy includes functional fitness in their curriculum, resulting in a 16.1-pound average weight loss per recruit and improved physical readiness.

  5. Quick Workout Circuits: For departments with limited resources, quick workout circuits are an efficient option, allowing officers to fit brief but impactful workouts into their schedules.

    • Example Exercises: Circuits often include push-ups, squats, and core exercises tailored to improve the physical demands of the job in under 15 minutes.

Benefits You Might Be Missing

These programs aren’t just about fitness—they offer real job-related benefits:

  • Injury Prevention: Regular exercise on the job keeps officers agile and ready, with Bend PD reporting a 40% drop in injuries.

  • Stress Relief: Physical activity reduces cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone, helping officers stay mentally resilient.

  • Enhanced Performance: Officers with regular fitness training show better decision-making under pressure, as evidenced by Bend PD’s 40% reduction in use-of-force incidents.

Tips for Making the Most of On-Duty Workouts

  • Choose Exercises That Target Job-Specific Needs: Incorporate core, agility, and endurance exercises to match the demands of law enforcement work.

  • Optimize with Group Accountability: Working out in groups or pairs can make staying consistent easier, boosting both fitness and morale.

  • Consider Adding a Mental Wellness Component: Combine physical exercise with mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or guided meditation for full mental reset benefits.

Sample Policies for Implementation

(Here, include specific policy examples for departments to consider or present to administration.)

Take Action: Don’t Miss Out on This Wellness Resource

If your department hasn’t yet adopted an on-duty workout program, consider advocating for one. On-duty wellness programs aren’t just a perk—they’re a way to support your long-term health, job performance, and job satisfaction. Advocate for a program in your agency and experience the difference it can make in your career and well-being.


or to participate.